PressOn were recently asked to take part in interviews for an article in Print Week about resolving gender imbalance in the print industry and workplace. Managing Director, Andy Wilson and Senior Print Finishers, Lucy Collins and Chloe Marshall were interviewed about how the print industry can improve inequality in the print industry. PressOn are unusual in the industry as the workforce has fairly equal numbers of men and women.
Andy Wilson talks in the Print Week article about how prevention is better than cure when dealing with inequality and specifically the issue of sexist behaviour and how the workplace environment and hiring policy has a huge impact on this at PressOn.
“In some companies I’ve worked at you’d get sexist comments all the time. You’d get it when customers were doing tours – they’d walk in, they’d walk out, and there’s be comments- typical pack animal type stuff,” says Wilson, adding of his strategy to ward against this:”It might sound daft but if the place looks rough and coarse, that’s the type of employee who’s going to accept the position. If you’re ambitious and well presented why would you want to work in a dirty factory?”says Andy.
Lucy Collins and Chloe Marshall took a starring role in the Print Week article and spoke about their roles as Senior Print Finishers at PressOn.
Lucy and Chloe are the only two people in the company trained on the Kongsberg cutting table and it was a matter of being encouraged by PressOn to have a go. “As the business grew and we got busier, the company said ‘we’d like you here on a more permanent basis’: then they said ‘we’d like you to be trained on the Kongsberg,” reports Lucy.
“It’s nice that people come to us and say we’ve got this material, we want to know if we can make this out of it, do you reckon we could give it a go?” We’ll be the go-to people for that,” adds Chloe.
Lucy and Chloe carried on in the article to report that the atmosphere at PressOn is inviting and diverse.